Computer Networks and Internet Protocol MCQs Set-2

Set – 2

1) Which of the followings are the correct fully qualified domain name (FQDN)?

2) What is a Zone in DNS?
A. A set of distinct but non-contiguous portions of the domain name space managed by multiple administrators

B. A distinct, contiguous portion of the domain name space managed by multiple administrators

C. A set of distinct but non-contiguous portions of the domain name space managed by a single administrator

D. A distinct, contiguous portion of the domain name space managed by a single administrator

3) Which of the following statements is (are) correct?
a. A server is a process that is offering some service.
b. A client is a process that is requesting the service.
c. A server can serve multiple clients simultaneously.
d. A client sends request to the server and gets back the response.

A. a only
B. a and b
C. a, b and d
D. All of these

4) What is Iterative Servers?
A. When the server process knows in advance how long it takes to handle each request and it handles each request itself

B. When the amount of work required to handle a request is unknown and the server starts another process to handle each request.

C. When the server process knows in advance how long it takes to handle each request and the server starts another process to handle
each request

D. When the amount of work required to handle a request is unknown and the server handles each request itself

5) Which statement is correct?
A. HTTP 1.1 supports only a single request-response exchanges over a single TCP connection

B. HTTP 1.1 supports multiple request-response exchanges over a single TCP connection

C. HTTP 1.1 supports multiple request-response exchanges over a multiple TCP connections

D. HTTP 1.1 requires multiple TCP connections to support a single request-response exchange

6) The Web Browser can act as an HTTP ________
A. Client
B. Server
C. Interpreter
D. host

7) What is TELNET?
A. It is a protocol that provides “a general, unidirectional, eight-bit, bit oriented communications facility”

B. It is a protocol that provides “a general, bidirectional, eight-bit, bit oriented communications facility”

C. It is a protocol that provides “a general, unidirectional, eight-bit, byte oriented communications facility”

D. It is a protocol that provides “a general, bidirectional, eight-bit, byte oriented communications facility”

8) Match the HTTP Request methods.

  Method                               Action

A) GET         i)  Requests information about a document
                        but not the document itself
B) POST      ii)  Sends a document to the server to be
                        stored at a specific path as mentioned
                        by the Client through Request URI
C) PUT        iii)  Requests a document from the server
D) HEAD     iv)  Sends some information to the server
                         from the Client

A. A-ii, B- iii, C-iv, D-i
B. A-iii, B- iv, C-i, D-ii
C. A-iii, B- iv, C-ii, D-i
D. A-i, B- iv, C-ii, D-iii

9) What is User Agents in SMTP
A. It acts as a Mail Box
B. It prepares the message, encloses it in an envelope
C. It transfers the mail across the internet
D. It sends and receives the message

10) Which of the followings is true about Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)?
A. It is used to transform non-ASCII data to Image data on NVT (Network Virtual Terminal)
B. It is used to transform non-ASCII data to NVT (Network Virtual Terminal) Gray code data
C. It is used to transform non-ASCII data to NVT (Network Virtual Terminal) ASCII data
D. It is used to transform non-ASCII data to video data on NVT (Network Virtual Terminal)


1-B | 2-D | 3-D | 4-A | 5-B&C | 6-A&C | 7-D | 8-C | 9-B | 10-C |

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